About Me

Upgrade Your Career
I am a Pharmacist who graduated in 2002, I will start sharing my experience about how I upgrade my Career.
My Story
The sad story is I was lost from the beginning. I know I can do more but I went to a government hospital which was the worst decision I have ever made.
When you repeat the same day at work for 14 years, can you imagine, even when I tried a new position at the hospital I was shocked by the routing as I did the same tasks but under another position.
I wanted to quiet
But no one listens to me, family, friends, or even my closest person.
So, I tried a bunch of different healthcare jobs such as:
Pharmacy Manager
For 2 years

Burn Unit Pharmacy Manager
For +10 years
Quality Assurance
For 3 years

For two years

Franchise Owner
Of Chinse company
For 2 years

For all of these jobs I could not find my true potential I know I can do more.
By understanding your personality traits and your capability from testing a lot of fields then finally you will figure out what you can actually be good at, yes that took me over 15 years.
Therefore I don’t want any of you to go throw this painful journey of failure, and disappointment, and no one believes in you even your family.
I will share how to
Then came the life changing moment
In 2017 I applied for a Pharmacovigilance Officer Job, I was so afraid as I did not know anything about Pharmacovigilance.
But I had the most supportive manager who helped me in every step to grow my knowledge and career not just but also trusted me to lead the whole international team to fulfill the company’s vision & mission. Thank you Rad***, you are the best manager I have ever had.
What I gain from working as Phrmacogilance Officer
Therefore, Pharmacovigilance is not only a new career for me to try, but the career in which I found my true self with it, I grow my skills, personality, and even my relationship with very supportive friends who really appreciate every little thing I do for them.
Now, I have practiced Pharmacovigilance for more than 4000 hours.

How can Pharmacovigilance Foundations Initiative help You?!
We offer a different range of courses to advance your career as Healthcare Professional to upgrade to the level you dream of.
Learn how to upgrade your career